Reconnect to Real Life: The Power of a Digital Detox

When the digital world never sleeps and screens dominate our daily lives, taking a step back can feel like an impossible luxury. According to DataReportal, the average screen time in the United States is 7 hours and 3 minutes per day – 7 minutes longer than the global average. Digital devices rob us of more than just time, however – they drain our mental energy, disrupt our sleep, and even dull our senses. Imagine a life where your mind is free from nonstop notifications and endless scrolling. If this sounds good to you, consider the transformative power of unplugging – a digital detox.

What is a Digital Detox?

A digital detox is an effort to intentionally reduce your online activity and limit your use of devices. While it may be tempting to try and eliminate the use of digital devices from your life entirely, it may be more realistic to set boundaries around their use. Boundaries may include digital time limits (ex: no more than 1 hour online per day), digital curfews (ex: no devices after 8PM), or limiting your exposure to certain types of digital media (ex: deleting social media apps from your phone).

What are the Benefits of Digital Detox?

  1. Mental Clarity and Focus – Unplugging lets you take a break from notifications and social media updates – boosting focus, productivity, and creativity.
  2. Reduces Stress and Anxiety – Removing the pressure to be constantly “on” reduces stress and anxiety.
  3. Stronger Relationships – Removing the influence of social media promotes genuine connections and face-to-face interactions, helping us build stronger, more meaningful relationships.
  4. Improved Well-Being – Staying off your phone means more time for other activities like exercise, cooking nutritious meals, going outdoors, and meditation, fostering overall physical and mental balance for a more fulfilling life.
  5. Hobbies and Interests – Time away from screens can reignite passions and interests that may have been neglected due to time spent online. Whether it’s reading a book, cooking, painting, or gardening, a digital detox provides the time and mental space to engage in hobbies that bring joy and fulfillment.

Not Sure Where to Start?

Here are some tips:

  1. Assess Current Usage – Track how much time you spend online and which apps consume most of your time.
  2. Set Clear Goals – Decide what you want to achieve with your detox. Having clear goals will help you form a clear plan.
  3. Create a Plan – Outline specific steps for your detox.
  4. Start Small – Begin with manageable changes.
  5. Replace Screen Time with Other Activities – Find alternative activities that you enjoy; consider revisiting your old hobbies and interests.
  6. Monitor Your Progress – Keep track of how your detox is affecting your mood, productivity, and relationships.
  7. Reflect and Adjust – After completing your detox, reflect on the experience and consider changes you may want to make moving forward.

Starting a digital detox can seem incredibly challenging in a society where digital devices are intertwined with daily life, but if you see it through, the benefits can be immense. By making a conscious effort to step away from screens, you can enhance your well-being and cultivate a more balanced and fulfilling life. Unplug, unwind, and unlock the power of a digital detox.



Backlinko Team. (2024, March 11). Revealing Average Screen Time Statistics for 2024. Backlinko.

Cherry, K. (2023, October 31). The Benefits of Doing a Digital Detox. Verywell Mind.

‌Kemp, S. (2024, January 31). Digital 2024: Global Overview Report. DataReportal.

Mattke, A. (2021, October 1). Unplugging your family: Tips to make it work. Mayo Clinic Press.

Sreenivas, S. (2023, May 5). Digital detox: what to know. WebMD.


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The Team at BSDI

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