Outside Is Where You Belong During National Parks and Recreation Month

Put down your phones and get your picnic baskets ready, because July is Park and Recreation Month! According to the National Recreation and Park Association, this year’s theme is: “Where You Belong” – A reminder that all of us can find a place we belong outdoors.  Let’s celebrate the occasion by looking at some of the benefits of spending time outdoors, along with ways we can make use of America’s many beautiful national parks.

Four Benefits of Spending Time Outdoors

  1. Physical Health – Regular physical activities such as walking, hiking, or cycling, can improve cardiovascular health, strengthen muscles, and enhance flexibility. Let the beauty of nature inspire you while you get fit!
  2. Mental Health – Studies have shown that the tranquility of nature has a calming effect on the mind and can alleviate symptoms of common mental illnesses such as anxiety and depression. If you’re looking for a quiet place to escape from the constant stimuli of urban life, consider a park!
  3. Social Connections – Whether it’s a family picnic, a community event, or a casual get-together with friends, parks encourage social bonding and community.  These spaces are perfect for social interactions, so call your friends or family and plan a day of fun at the park!
  4. Environmental Awareness – Spending time in nature helps us to appreciate it better. This awareness is crucial for fostering a sense of care and respect for the natural world in our communities.

Five Ways to Celebrate Park and Recreation Month

  1. Explore Parks – Set aside time to visit the different parks in your area. Whether it’s a scenic trail, a serene lake, or a fun playground, make it a goal to explore a new park each week in July.
  2. Community Events – Many towns and cities host special events in their parks, such as outdoor concerts, movie nights, fitness classes, and nature walks. Charge your social battery and get ready to meet new people while you enjoy the beauty of nature.
  3. Volunteer – Park clean-up events offer an opportunity to give back to your community by keeping these spaces beautiful and accessible for everyone.
  4. Plan an Adventure – Whether it’s a camping trip, a scavenger hunt, or a day of hiking – outdoor adventures provide fun memories and help you connect more deeply with nature.
  5. Something New – Many parks offer educational programs and workshops on topics like bird watching, gardening, or local history. Take advantage of these opportunities and expand your knowledge while enjoying the outdoors.



July is Park and Recreation Month | National Recreation and Park Association. (n.d.). Www.nrpa.org. https://www.nrpa.org/events/july/

National Institute of Mental Health. (2022). Caring for your Mental Health. National Institute of Mental Health. https://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/topics/caring-for-your-mental-health

Rx: Nature Prescription» Mayo Clinic Connect. (n.d.). Mayo Clinic Connect. Retrieved July 2, 2024, from https://connect.mayoclinic.org/blog/living-with-mild-cognitive-impairment-mci/newsfeed-post/rx-nature-prescription/

Sara Youngblood Gregory. (2024, March 4). The mental health benefits of nature: Spending time outdoors to refresh your mind. Mayo Clinic Press. https://mcpress.mayoclinic.org/mental-health/the-mental-health-benefits-of-nature-spending-time-outdoors-to-refresh-your-mind/


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